Organic Black Tea w/Chai, Nepal

Availability: In stock (12)

Relax with a cup of this delicious, smooth, low tannin (but high nutrient) tea!

Single-estate, certified organic and certified fair trade by WFTO (Fair Trade Group Nepal).

For the perfect cup of black tea: steep for 3 - 5 minutes minimum. Want a stronger brew? Add more tea, but steep the same. 

50 teabags packaged in a Lotka paper bag with a cute coconut shell button, OR a fabric shoulder bag in assorted colours and motifs. Visit us in-store or let us choose the shoulder bag for you!

Tea grown in Nepal by KTE, pouch by New SADLE.

KTE is a Fair Trade organic tea cooperative located high in the Nepali mountains bordering Darjeeling. Perfect growing conditions combined with organic cultivation produce a flavourful tea.

New SADLE (New Skill and Development Learning Experience) is a fair trade enterprise in Nepal providing employment, education and medical support to marginalized communities in Nepal. Based in Kathmandu, and a WFTO member (Fair Trade Group Nepal).
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