More With Less, Softcover

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How we cook can change the world.

With one simple idea, a movement was born. More-with-Less has given generations of cooks easy, healthy recipes that are gentle on the budget and mindful of those who are hungry. This fortieth anniversary edition preserves hundreds of timeless recipes and tips from Doris Janzen Longacre’s bestselling cookbook, with updates by award-winning food writer Rachel Marie Stone.

The World Community Cookbook series is commissioned by and benefits the work of Mennonite Central Committee, a worldwide ministry of relief, development, and peacebuilding.

Simple. Wholesome. Generous. Faithful.

More-with-Less still speaks the truth today. Food tastes best when shared with others and better still when you know you aren't taking it away from someone who needs it more.”—Leanne Brown, author of Good and Cheap, excerpt from foreword

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